Todd Howard You Did It Again Fallout 76

Todd Andrew Howard is the executive producer and game director at Bethesda Softworks. He led the evolution of Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76 and Fallout Shelter and is 1 of the executive producers of the upcoming Fallout Television set serial.


  • i Career
  • 2 Fallout serial
    • Fallout three
    • ii.2 Fallout 4
    • 2.3 Fallout 76
    • 2.four Fallout five
  • 3 Employment history
  • iv Credits
    • 4.1 Fallout series
    • iv.2 Other piece of work
  • 5 Notable quotes
    • 5.1 Fallout three
    • v.2 Fallout 4
    • 5.3 Fallout 76
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 External links
  • 8 References


Howard joined Bethesda game development in 1994. One of Howard's first assignments was to work on the first Elder Scrolls game, The Elder Scrolls: Arena by porting the game from its original floppy disk media to the new CD format. Over the years, he connected to contribute to various titles, and is currently Executive Producer of the Elder Scrolls. He also serves every bit Executive Producer of Fallout games developed past Bethesda Softworks.

His major credits include being project leader and designer of Morrowind, designer on Daggerfall, and producer and designer of The Terminator: Future Stupor and SkyNET. He was also the project leader and designer of The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard.

Fallout series

Fallout 3

By July 2004, Todd was involved with Fallout 3 when Bethesda announced it would be developing the title that month. In 2005, he mentioned in an interview that he intended to return Fallout to RPG prominence and do the serial justice while likewise bringing it into the current day. He mentioned it would resemble Fallout more than Fallout 2.[1]

Fallout 4

Fallout 4 became Bethesda's primary project in 2011. Todd revealed Fallout four at E3 2015. Todd mentioned that its game globe was the most ambitious and detailed game globe the studio has made so far.

Fallout 76

Fallout 76 was revealed at E3 2018 with Todd as its presenter. Todd mentioned the game's world would be four times the size of Fallout 4 and have sixteen times the particular.

At E3 2019, Todd opened up most the disappointment with the launch of 76, mentioning him and the team were defenseless off-guard by the amount of issues. He mentioned much criticism was deserved and that information technology should have had a longer beta examination. He appreciated the continuing constructive criticism from fans to help make 76 a better game.[two]

Near the end of 2021, Todd did an AskMeAnything on Reddit. He mentioned, "Nosotros let people down and were able to learn and exist better from information technology. We're fortunate three years later to take 76 be i of our almost played games, and it's thanks to the 11 million players who have fabricated it an incredible community. Information technology's made the states much better developers in the end." [3]

Fallout 5

In 2021, Todd mentioned Bethesda has considered Fallout 5 and that the studio has a i-pager on it.[4]

Employment history

From To Company Role
1994 Present Bethesda Softworks Game Managing director
Executive Producer


Fallout series

Year Title Credited equally/for
2008 Fallout iii Game Director
Executive Producer
2010 Fallout: New Vegas Special Thanks
2015 Fallout Shelter Executive Producer
2015 Fallout 4 Game Director
Executive Producer
2018 Fallout 76 Executive Producer

Other piece of work

Year Championship Credited as/for
1995 PBA Bowling Special Thank you
1996-present The Elder Scrolls series Game Director, Executive Producer, Projection Leader, Designer, Writer, Additional Writer, Quest Design, Additional Design, Special Thanks
1996 SkyNET Producer/Designer
1999 Protector Executive Producer
2000 Sea Dogs Special Thank you
2003 Pirates of the Carribean Special Thank you
2011 Brink Special Thanks
2014 Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Pack) Music Credits
2016 Doom Special Cheers
2022 Starfield Director

Notable quotes

Fallout 3

  • "When we started Fallout three in 2004, nosotros plain had big ideas of what we could do with it, and I talked to a lot of outside people, from ex-developers to press folks to fans. What fabricated it special? What are the key things you'd want out of a new one? The opinions, and I'll put this mildly... varied. A lot. But they would all finish the aforementioned, like a stern male parent, pausing for affect – "but do not... spiral it upwards." Gulp. Let me write that last 1 downward a few times."
  • "I'm going to assume that if y'all're reading this, you lot've probably read between 1 and 50 previews of Fallout 3 already (they're linked on this site). There's already as well much info out there, in unlike forms and in alien ways, for me to cover or correct it all hither. If there's one matter I've learned over the years, it'south that the data never gets out 100% correctly, and you will certainly never be quoted correctly. For the record, I never compared the violence in Fallout to Jackass, I compared information technology to Kill Neb... big difference. I besides never said "fantasy is riding a equus caballus and killing things," but oh well. Ultimately the game speaks for itself (certainly meliorate than I exercise)."
  • "Hopefully in another 10 years people will look back and say, "Nope, they didn't screw it up." Hopefully."

Fallout 4

  • "I think our fans are used to it over fourth dimension, that nosotros practice like to try new things. And we'll have some successes, you know I think the shooting in Fallout 4 is really proficient, I call back it plays actually well. Plainly, the way nosotros did some dialogue stuff, that didn't work also. But it was I recall -- I know the reasons nosotros tried that, to make a nice interactive conversation, but [it was] less successful than other things in the game. For us, nosotros take that feedback, and I call up long term."

Fallout 76

  • "'Fallout 76' is a very different 'Fallout' game. We're very aware of that. Nosotros think a lot of people will like it, because we similar it. Only a lot of people probably won't. We demand to residual that. This is an idea we have, and there'southward a lot of sometime 'Fallout' stuff in it, but it'south a very new experience."
  • "Permit'south let them all collide. And it'll be messy for a picayune bit, but we can solve it. I'd rather do that than like, play it rubber so it's boring. Y'all can sit, though, in any pattern meeting and come up upwards with a list of reasons not to exercise something. It's pretty easy. "Well, I'k worried about this, and I'm worried about this, and I'm worried about this." And I'yard worried it's gonna be boring. Like, allow's at least attempt it. Like, this is what we do... you know, if this is a vibe nosotros want, let'south go at it." (about 76 having online players)
  • "Information technology starts with... a map of the world... that glows in the fucking dark!" (presenting the collector's edition during E3)


External links

  • Todd Howard,
  • Todd Howard, Duck and Encompass Fallout 3 interview
  • Todd Howard, Gamespot Fallout 3 interview


  1. Duck and Embrace interview
  2. GameSpot: Afterwards Bethesda E3 2019 Conference, Todd Howard Opens Up Virtually Fallout 76's Struggles
  3. Todd Howard Reddit AMA
  4. IGN: Bethesda Has an Thought for Fallout v, Only Don't Expect It For Many Years


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