How to Make Back of Rug Stiff Again

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If your carpeting gets a lot of traffic, or it has dents from years of unmoved furniture, it's time to fluff it back up to its prime expect. Brushing and vacuuming may be enough for barely flattened carpet, but deep dents need more attending. Use vinegar and water, ice, an iron, or a accident dryer to requite your rug a boost. Rubbing the carpeting with your fingers, scraping with a spoon'due south edge, or combing with a fork fluffs the carpet after these primary treatments.

  1. 1

    Spray the affected carpet areas with vinegar and water. Mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Thoroughly spray the dented or flattened area of carpet. Make certain to comprehend the whole area with liquid, merely don't saturate the rug and so that it's soaking moisture.[i]

    • Make certain the spray canteen is clean and gratis of other cleaners or chemicals earlier you use it.
  2. 2

    Allow the cleaner sit on the carpet for 10-30 minutes. Give the mixture time to piece of work on the fibers of the rug. Depending on how deep and apartment the dents are, conform how long yous let the mixture piece of work. Give it at least ten minutes, or wait near half an hour for deep impressions.

    • Vinegar is often used as a cleaning solution, so the expanse you spray may end up cleaner than the rest of your rug.


  3. 3

    Blot up the liquid with a towel. Grab a clean, white towel and gently press it into the moisture carpet. Absorb at the carpet until the majority of the liquid has been soaked upwardly. Don't press too difficult or you lot'll flatten the carpeting out again.

    • Information technology'due south of import to use a white towel so that you lot don't bleed any color onto your carpet.
  4. iv

    Scrape the carpet with the border of a spoon. Hold a spoon so the edge is confronting the expanse of carpet you're fluffing. Pressing the spoon into the carpeting, scrape it across the carpet in straight lines. This volition cause the carpet fibers to jump up straight over again.[ii]

    • If a spoon doesn't requite you the results you lot hope for, try combing the carpeting with the tines of a fork.
    • As well endeavour a brush with stiff simply non-metal bristles to fifty-fifty the carpet out when the dent is gone. A boar's pilus castor works well.
  5. 5

    Allow the carpet to dry before you walk or put anything on it. After you've fluffed the carpet, make sure you lot don't walk on information technology before it is dry. As well be sure not to put whatsoever furniture back on the spot while information technology is wet. This could have 2-iii hours or more depending on the size of the area.


  1. 1

    Set up ice cubes on the dent. Grab some ice from your freezer and gear up it in the dents in your rug. If you have multiple dents, similar from the four anxiety of a couch, place at least i ice cube in each dent. If the dent is more than than 2 inches (5cm) wide, identify more than one piece in the dent.[3]

  2. 2

    Allow the ice to melt completely. Once the dents are covered with ice cubes, leave them alone long enough for the ice to melt. Depending on the temperature of the room and how much ice you put in each paring, this might take 20 minutes or upward to an hour or more.[4]

  3. iii

    Blot the h2o up with a clean, white towel. When all of the ice in each dent has melted, use a clean towel to soak up all of the water. Press the towel gently and then you lot don't dent the carpet again. Make certain the towel is clean and white, and then y'all don't transfer color onto the carpeting.[v]

  4. 4

    Fluff the carpet with your fingers, a spoon, or a fork. Rub the previously dented area with your fingers until the carpet stands up every bit it should. If this doesn't fluff the carpet enough, try scraping the rug with the border of a spoon or combing the carpet with the tines of a fork.[6]

    • Use a soft castor to even out the carpet once the fibers are fluffed back up.


  1. 1

    Lay a wet fabric over the area you lot want to fluff. Grab a white washcloth or hand towel from your linen closet. Moisture the towel with warm water. Lay it over the dented or apartment rug. If you demand to fluff upwards a large area, yous may need to use more one towel or echo the process a few times.[vii]

  2. two

    Steam the towel with an iron on medium rut. Plug in your clothes iron and gear up it to the medium heat setting. Hold information technology a few inches above the towel and motion it around in a round motion. Do this for thirty to 60 seconds, then check the carpet.[8]

    • Do not put the iron directly onto the carpet or the towel as y'all might impairment the carpet fibers.
  3. 3

    Fluff the rug with your fingers. Subsequently heating the area, set the iron off to the side where it won't burn anything. Remove the cloth from the area, being careful not to fire yourself. Rub the carpet with your fingers and so the fibers spring back up. Apply the towel and oestrus it again if necessary.

    • For more stubborn carpet fibers, bit the carpeting with the border of a spoon or comb it with a fork to fluff information technology more than.
    • Brush the carpet later on and so it has an even look.


  1. i

    Fill a spray bottle with clean h2o. Detect a new spray canteen or thoroughly rinse out an sometime one. Fill it with warm water from the faucet. If your faucet doesn't take very clean water, use bottled or distilled water instead. Don't use extremely hot water, which could damage some carpet fibers.

  2. ii

    Spray the flattened carpeting with water. Brand sure you comprehend the dented or flat area completely, simply don't spray it so much that y'all soak the carpet. Spraying as well much water can end upwardly ruining your carpet over time.[9]

  3. 3

    Blow dry the carpet. Grab a hairdryer and plug information technology in almost the surface area of carpet that you plan to piece of work on. Ready the dryer to a depression estrus setting. If the dryer has a high fan setting, it'south okay to take the fan loftier. Concord the dryer about half-dozen inches (15cm) from the carpet and move information technology back and forth across the surface area.[10]

  4. 4

    Fluff up the carpeting. When the carpeting is generally dry, rub your hand back and forth across the area to straighten the fibers up once again. If the carpet doesn't fluff the way yous want it to, grab a brush with stiff but soft bristles and castor the carpet a few times.


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  • Question

    How do you go along your carpet smelling fresh?

    Kadi Dulude

    Kadi Dulude is the owner of Sorcerer of Homes, a New York City based cleaning company. Kadi manages a squad of over 70 registered cleaning professionals, and her cleaning communication has been featured in Architectural Assimilate and New York Magazine.

    Kadi Dulude

    House Cleaning Professional

    Expert Answer

    Mist pure white vinegar on a dry carpet to remove bad odors from the fabric. Always test a pocket-size expanse of your rug to make sure the vinegar or whatever other cleaning agent is safe earlier you use it.

  • Question

    Does method 1 work?

    ECO Carpet Cleaning Force Team

    ECO Carpet Cleaning Strength Team

    Customs Answer

    Vinegar contains about 7% acetic acrid, and it tin neutralize alkaline odours. Using vinegar as carpet deodoriser will not leave behind the artificial cheap fragrance that supermarket deodoriser does.

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Article Summary X

If your carpet gets a lot of human foot traffic or has dents from unmoved piece of furniture, y'all tin can fluff it support by using ice. Set water ice cubes on the dents and allow them to melt completely. Then, absorb the carpet with a towel and fluff it upwardly by scraping your fingers, a spoon, or a fork across the area in straight lines. This volition cause the fibers to spring back up. Another fashion to fluff your rug is to utilize a hairdryer. Kickoff by spraying the dented areas with warm h2o. Then, set up your hairdryer on a low heat setting, hold it virtually vi inches from the carpet, and motility it back and along over the area. When the carpeting is mostly dry, rub your mitt back and forth across the surface area to straighten the fibers upward again. To learn how to apply vinegar to fluff your carpeting, proceed reading!

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