Receptacles Drawing With Spaghetti Lines on Plans

Maybe this volition be heady, maybe it won't, but I am going to kickoff writing a few articles a month on architectural graphics and what I've washed to go my drawings to await the way they do. I might talk hardcore technical estimator specifics from fourth dimension to time but for the almost part, I am going to focus on the really minor details. The thought for this series came to me the other day when I was asked by one of my employees to walk through some chiffonier shop drawings and explain exactly what they are supposed to be reviewing. As I saturday in front end of the drawings, explaining why we do certain things, I realized that I accept had like conversations with well-nigh everyone I work with … and if they all had these questions, information technology stands to reason that other people will take them as well.

To that end, the Architectural Graphics 101 series was born. There isn't annihilation special almost the topic I take selected for the very starting time entry in this series – in fact – I've almost gone the opposite direction and chosen something pretty vanilla as a starting point. If people seem to respond well to this series, I will continue them every other week or so.

So here we go ….

Architectural Graphics 101 - Dashed Doors RCP

This is a "reflected ceiling program" and information technology is exactly what information technology sounds like … a view of the ceiling looking down as if in that location was a mirror on the floor reflecting the plan back at you lot. Sounds complicated but it's not; it's done this manner and so that the orientation of the floor program and the orientation of the ceiling plan are the same. If you wanted to show the ceiling equally if you were laying on the flooring looking up, the plan would be reversed – that's why it's "reflected". This way you tin look at the plans from the aforementioned orientation (looking down) simply in one instance you are seeing the flooring, and in the other, y'all are looking at the ceiling.

Okay, it still sounds complicated … but let'southward pretend that nosotros are all on the same page here and move on.

The point of a reflected ceiling plan, at least in my office, is to indicate where lighting and electrical become located. Trying to put this information on the floor plan would make that drawing overly congested and difficult to read so nosotros divide this information out into its own drawing

Architectural Graphics 101 - Dashed Doors RCP rendered

The focus of this initial Architectural Graphics 101 post volition be the doors shown in this reflected ceiling plan. When I graduated from college, back when we still used vellum and pencils to draw, the vast majority of my time was spent working on commercial projects.

We did non draw in the door or door swings in these drawings. Why? I couldn't really tell you lot … we just didn't, that'southward non how things were done.

Fast forward too many years for me to calculate, and I am now working almost exclusively on residential projects and nothing is done using pencil and vellum … and we depict in the doors and door swings. Shocking Being told to do this was a complete boom to everything that I had been told, this went confronting the grain, weren't we going to go far trouble for this? So I asked my new boss (this was dorsum in the year 2000) and I asked him "Why?"

He told me it was to make sure that the light switches weren't placed behind the doors when they were opened … and that made perfect sense and I have been drawing the doors and door swings (showing them dashed) in my reflected ceiling plans ever since.

Architectural Graphics 101 - Dashed Doors and light switches by Dallas Architect Bob Borson

More times than not it is pretty easy to avoid accidentally locating the light switches behind the swing of the door, fifty-fifty if you don't show your door and door swings in your RCP, but those generally aren't the ones y'all have to worry about … it's the weird situations that ever catch you by surprise.


Bob-AIA scale figure

fifty-fifty amend stuff from Life of an Architect


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